Weekly Writing Challenge: Object


Verity sat at her desk after Jo had left and looked around herself.  She softly touched the rough surface of the wood.  It was an old antique desk that she had discovered in a shop in the Valley.  She loved old furniture and belongings.  Before the lights went out, she had loved going round charity shops with her friend Dot.  Verity was 40 years younger than Dot, but she was a dear friend who Verity felt understood her better than many people her own age and she had taught her a lot.  They spent many days walking around the West End of Glasgow looking through charity shops and eating ice cream for dinner.

There was often a shelf surrounded by all the old furniture, just a few rows of random ornaments and small decorative pieces like crystal whiskey decanters, figurines and tea sets.  Verity loved this shelf.  It had a presence.  She wasn’t sure why but perhaps it reminded her of “Return to Oz” when all of Dorothy’s friend’s souls have been put into objects and she must guess which ones are her friends to set them free. There was a comfort in certain things.  Not in the material sense.  Verity had never had any interest in brand new 50 inch TV screens or fancy cars.   To her, those objects had no energy.  This desk however gave her a great comfort.  It felt like she was sitting with an old friend.  She looked around at the other things in the room, at some of the things she had managed to hold onto.  She had saved the little Buddha figurines that had been a gift to her for her travels.  She liked having them with her and often focused on them when she was meditating.  She had not managed to save many other things and she had taken very little with her to Australia.  She did have a little soft Santa toy that her mother had sent her for Christmas and her journals.  She held the little Santa in her hands and stroked his beard.  Verity had loved Christmas.  Her mother knew how much and had given this to her before she left so that she would have a Christmas decoration.  It looked quite worn now even though Verity had tried to keep it clean and safe.  She felt a little worn herself.  She thought about her mother and about how she still had so much she wanted to say to her, wanted to know from her.  She hoped she was not suffering.  She did not feel that she was gone, her mother was very strong and very adaptable, but she would be older now and it was possible she may be frail now.  Verity felt like she was five again and she was at school and it was raining and she just wanted her mum to come and get her.  She could feel that five year old feeling.  She had to find out if she was ok, and her dad and her sister and everyone else she had left behind with her valuables.

She looked around again, shaking her head to avoid the tears, at all of the other little trinkets that she collected, tiny little keepsakes and gifts.  She liked to think they had a feeling to them because people had bought them with a lot of love in their hearts.  They bought these things for people because they wanted them to have something they could keep, a token of their fondness.  Snow globes, glass globes with fairies inside, little signs with quotes on them, ornaments, miniature cottages.  Her room actually looked a little bit like a charity store now with all of these little eccentricities lying around.  She liked them being with her, it made her feel like she was never alone.

She wondered what had happened to all her belongings back home.  She had thrown out a lot of things before going to Australia, but there were a lot of things that she had left with her sister that had sentimental value to her; her diaries from childhood, her favourite books, her photos, her letters, her drawings, her guitar, her DVDs, concert tickets, cinema tickets, her University work.  Would it all be gone?  That was a sad thought.  All these traces of people’s lives, of their stories, and their families were being lost and that worried Verity.  She did not want people to forget, she did not want it all to be lost because it made it feel like it was all a dream, like it never really happened.

She remembered walking around Brisbane before she went outback.  She had felt at times then that she was looking at an experience that she would never have again.  She had felt a sad fondness looking around her there, like she somehow knew that soon she would never see it the same way again.   Never again would the same people be going about their daily lives, going to work on the ferry, the sun shining at 7am, the heat beginning to build already.  She remembered looking at the buildings from across the water, the pretty restaurants.  She had felt like she was already reminiscing about the time, as she was experiencing it as though her perception of her experience was a few seconds ahead instead of behind.  She knew she would never again feel the peaceful happiness of living in another country with promise and hope and wealth and only all the wrong, silly insignificant things to worry about that seem so small now.  If only we had known, known for sure what was about to happen – would anyone have believed it?  Would anyone have done anything differently?  Would Verity have done anything differently?  She had at least acknowledged the happiness at the time, perhaps that is why she never felt truly sad.


The Sound of Silence: Can You Imagine It?



They say that the main difference between animals and humans is that animals are not aware of themselves and are not aware that they will die.  It is said that this is a great burden for human beings.  This awareness means a life full of emotional suffering, psychological pain and fear of death.  What if you choose not to see it that way, but to see it another way?

A sheep might run around a field in the middle of the countryside, but it cannot look around at the landscape and the sky and understand that it is beautiful.  A bird may fly through the air with grace, but it cannot feel the excitement, the freedom and the sheer wonder of flying.  It may sit in a tree, but it does not see how intricate and wonderful the tree is.  The tree itself is life, but it does not look at its branches and feel proud of them, it cannot admire the colour of its leaves or feel the peace in its swaying branches.

A lion may run for miles at great speed, but it does not feel accomplishment in doing so.  It does not feel a sense of achievement that it has provided food for itself and its children.

A seagull may fly continually over the ocean and dive into its waters for fish, but it does not notice how the sun makes the water glitter nor feel refreshed by the sea air.  It does not look out at the sun setting into the sea and feel inspired.

A cat may purr and let you pet it, it may fall asleep in your lap, but it does not know that it loves you.  A dog may wag its tail and give you attention when you return from work, but every day while you are away it does not know that you will return and it does not know that it can expect that happiness again.

Imagine not knowing that you were going to die, imagine believing that this existence will all there will ever be and that it will never end.  How could you appreciate the life that you have, how could it feel special?  How could you experience the wonder of being alive?

Imagine never looking around and noticing your surroundings and the beauty in them.

Imagine no thoughts or feelings, no narrative to understand life, no words and no stories. Imagine instead silence.  It is dark is it not?

Daily Prompt: With or Without You http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/daily-prompt-with-or-without-you/life or love

Vhairi Slaven

I too gave an ultimatum.

It was unsaid, unwritten and undeniable. You saw the meaning in my words untrue and you accepted our fate with a sad smile that breaks me even know.

It was always your life or mine and although undisputed it was painful nonetheless.

Such sorrow from such sense. Love was not enough.

The choice was not in your gift, nor mine so it seems it was made before we met.

You are not unforgiven nor ever forgotten, but thought of always with tenderness.

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Daily Prompt: With or Without You http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/daily-prompt-with-or-without-you/life or love

I too gave an ultimatum.

It was unsaid, unwritten and undeniable. You saw the meaning in my words untrue and you accepted our fate with a sad smile that breaks me even know.

It was always your life or mine and although undisputed it was painful nonetheless.

Such sorrow from such sense. Love was not enough.

The choice was not in your gift, nor mine so it seems it was made before we met.

You are not unforgiven nor ever forgotten, but thought of always with tenderness.

Daily Prompt: Money for Nothing – Inspiring the World or Sinful Pleasure Seeker


I think I will describe two things, one the dream that I hope to achieve and two the fantasy that I know will not happen in this life (due to things such as a lack of actual talent and an issue with gender).

In this life, I would like more than anything else in the world to be paid to write and travel.  I don’t particularly want to write about travelling, I want to write about life.  I guess if we are talking in my wildest dreams, I would like to write a book that is made into a movie and be involved in making the movie and appear in it as a cameo.  I want to make enough to be able to not have another job.  I want to own a home without a mortgage and to buy everything with my own money without having any kind of credit or debt.  I want to inspire people to do the same, I want to influence people in a positive way to help them believe that they too can achieve their dreams.  I want encourage at least some people to learn how to be truly happy.  I want to travel around the world and meet people from every country and experience a million adventures.  I want to be able to travel at any time to any place.  I want to write a trilogy, an autobiography and publish many short stories.  I want to create something that makes people see the world in a different way and that helps them to stop putting so much pressure on themselves all the time about the wrong things.  I guess I have strayed from the job to life but I guess that is the point.  At the moment I see my job and my life as two very different things.  I have a good secure job with people I like that I am able to do well.  However to me, it only a job and it is not what I see as defining who I am.  My writing defines who I am, the things I say and think, the things I create, the story I am writing.  These things are my life and I would like to take out the work and live my life all the time – that would make me truly happy.  I don’t necessarily want to be a millionaire and I don’t want to sit about doing nothing.  I want to do something I love and get paid for it, I want to be in a position to help other people and give to charities and do volunteer work around the world.  That is what I want in this life.  I know, I know I want a lot however I am coming to a different understanding about life and that is that you are the only thing that is capable of stopping you achieving your dreams.  It is perfectly within my capabilities to achieve this.  I just have to believe I can, work hard and jump on any opportunities that come along.  You might say that I would have to know I am a good writer, however that is not necessarily the case today either as many successful books have proven (I won’t mention any but there are several recent massive successes that I don’t think were particularly well written).  You just have to have a story that people will relate to and like.  Having said that I sincerely hope that I am a good writer, there is just no real way of ever knowing that.  I think it takes a very long time and huge amount of success for any writer to feel that they are actually any good and even then a lot of the time writers are aware that this piece or work or that was good, but that still probably don’t see themselves as talented writers.  Some of the best creations art, writing or otherwise just seem to come to people.  They practice something to such an extent that they do it well without thinking and then is when the magic happens.  So I want to write well and I want some magic to happen on paper and I want to be paid for it so that I can travel around the world, and I am working on it.

Now for number two – and this is where it gets exciting.  In my wildest fantasies I want to be a man and I want to be a rock star.  I want to stand on stage looking moody and gorgeous playing electric guitar like a Greek god.  I want to stand on stage and belt out songs about getting high and having sex.  I want to tour the world living in a world of complete decadence.  I want to ooze charisma and have women dropping at my feet.  I want to do whatever I feel like without thinking about it too much.  I want to throw caution to the wind and live a life of extremities and danger.  I want to have a massive big set of balls and be effortlessly cool.  I want to be in aftershave commercials looking so handsome its frightening.  I want to walk around knowing that I have life by the balls and I am playing it like an electric guitar.

There are times when I imagine this scenario as a woman and I am sorry feminists and pc police, but it is just much more awesome when I am a man.  While most women are looking at front men and thinking they want to shag them, I am looking at them thinking I want to be them.  I want to be the one up there on stage gyrating around looking like I am making love to the very air around me.  I want men to envy me and women to want me.  I want to grow old and still be handsome without worrying about wrinkles and sagging boobs.  I want to be Elvis, Johnny Cash, Adam Levine, Alex Turner, Jim Morrison, Jared Leto (who really should be given some kind of award for making it from hot actor to hot rock star), Mick Jagger (who should be given an award for still being around) Jon Bon Jovi (he was my first) Danny O’Donoghue, John Meyer, Lenny Kravitz, Pharell Williams (ok, not exactly a rock star, but definitely a god who epitomizes cool) and Brandon Flowers.  That is my wildest dream.  Thanks for giving me an excuse to look up lots of hot rock stars.  Here are a few for you too, cause I am generous like that.

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Daily Prompt: Lucky Star


If I had three wishes right now it would be that I finish my book, get it published and people like it enough to buy it!  I can honestly say I have never have been as specific as that before when wishing and really they are not wishes, they are hopes.  I can also truly say that I have never been more hopeful and that is a wonderful feeling.



Push the Button and stop stressing


I can’t remember pushing the button.  I pressed of lot buttons, but I couldn’t remember pushing the one that caused all the trouble.  God why did I press that button?  I thought it would have been easy to fix, that I would be laughing about it by now, but it was now two days later and they were still trying to fix it.  They didn’t know how to fix it.  How could they not know?  They were experts.  What were they doing?  Why did someone have to invent something that was so easy to break and so difficult to fix.  I just wished it would be over now, I could not think straight about anything else and people kept asking when it would be fixed.  They were working on it, I told them, I would let them know when it was fixed. 

I was exhausted, I had to stay late.  I had to stay for hours.  There was nothing I could do.  I was helpless.  Why was this happening to me?  What had I done wrong this time to deserve this punishment?  This was just a nightmare.  I had let the worry take over again, I did not know how I had let it happen, but now I was in the middle of it and I could not breathe and I could not stop the thoughts coming.  I just kept thinking of when it would be over and I could be normal again.  Why was it taking so long?  It was excruciating.  Why did I push that button?  Why?  I wished I could go back and think about what I was doing.  That was it – I had to know how I would stop myself making the same mistake the next time.  I would not let myself get frustrated about something so small and just start randomly pressing buttons.  They said it was ok, but that did not stop me beating myself up about it.  There was nothing reasonable about how worked up I had got myself about pushing the button.  Really it was not that big a deal but it felt like it was to me.  If it was such a small thing, why was it not fixed?  When would they fix it? 

I decided I was never touching anything near the button again.  There was no one to ask at the time and I had been trying to work it out for myself.  They all thought I was good at figuring things out.  This is what happened when I messed about with things I know nothing about.  I realised that actually, I knew nothing.  I should not have been messing about with the button. 

Oh for god’s sake would they just fix the god damn button, how hard could it be.  I was over this now, I could not be bothered stressing about it anymore.  Why was I getting so distressed? It would get fixed eventually.  Everyone would forget about it soon enough.  I would be laughing about it soon.  What was the worst that could happen really?  They would just have to reinstall it.  That was all, it would be a hassle but it was not the end of the world.

I decided to stop obsessing about the button and let myself think about other things.

They fixed the button.  I breathed out and felt better.  I was exhausted but I had a good sleep and the next day they laughed about it.



Like many people who have posted a story about this I found that it is difficult when you are a philosophical or spiritual person to regret any of the mistakes you have made in life.  I have done many things that I am not proud of and some that I am most definitely ashamed of.  There are many things I would never repeat.  However I do also understand that they were all necessary.  Particularly the ones that make my gut plummet to my toes.  Memories of things I have done and choices I have made often come to me at the most random moments and the feelings awaken all over again.  However after that sickening feeling, I think about what that led me to do that thing and about the things that I did afterwards. I think about how those things made me choose to be the person I am today who I am proud of and do like.

What I regret still though are the hours and hours of constant worrying about truly insignificant things that felt catastrophic at the time for no apparent reason.  The story above I wrote about temporarily putting my office phone lines out of service.  I was filled with immense anxiety about this and I have no real idea why.  These periods of time you spend fretting about nonsense are what I regret because I could of been doing something much more productive.  I could have said “Woops.  Really should not have been messing about with the computer programme for the telephone lines.  I won’t do that again”.  Instead I spent two days in a state of panic about it when now looking back, it was perfectly obvious that it would be fixed fairly quickly.  I still cannot explain why something like that is capable of making me feel so stressed and this is something that I do try to work on.  I guess it is about having the confidence to admit quickly that you have made a mistake and not beating yourself up about it.  Being a typical Capricorn I have higher standards for myself than for other people (and those standards are pretty high).  I am learning to forgive myself more quickly and without hours of deliberation. 

Daily Prompt: Those Dishes Won’t Do Themselves (Unfortunately)

I remember listening to one of Alan Watts lectures on doing dishes and how most people get themselves really annoyed about doing the dishes because they see this big pile of dishes and they think about how much effort it will take and how long it will take. He was using this as a metaphor for any kind of work you have to do and he put it that the way to look at life is that you are only ever doing one dish if you are living in the moment and that takes the burden out of it. At times I can enjoy housework because it can be relaxing if you don’t put pressure on yourself however it depends what mood I’m in and I can never understand how long it takes to hang out washing! I also stopped ironing years ago – waste of time and energy.